Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How can half black and half white people's hair grow faster?

i am half balck and half white my hair grows really slow but it is longer than most black girls, but it is really thick. how can i help it to grow faster and alittle thinner with out damaging it?

How can half black and half white people's hair grow faster?

Unfortunately, you're not going to be able to thin your hair unless you do one of two things:

1) you get someone to actually cut sections of it out, to make it thinner--thus the obvious name "thinning" the hair, or

2) you get a relaxer (which will permanently damage it)

If you are concerned about length, know that that stems from health...focus on that and the length will come.

I've posted some tips on my blog at: for black hair health and growth...

only thing I think I did not put on there was gently massage your scalp with your fingertips, when you have the time, to stimulate blood flow to the follicle...which will encourage growth.



It's about 1/2 way down

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